Toellner 7704

The function generators of the TOE 7700 range represent a series of completely novel design. In... mehr
Produktinformationen "Toellner 7704"
The function generators of the TOE 7700 range represent a series of completely novel design. In addition to the usual standard signal shapes including variable signal symmetry, this range is equipped with a lin/ log sweep oscillator which should satisfy the most demanding users. Continuous or triggered sweeping is selectable, the lower and upper sweep limits are of course separately adjustable, and the sweep frequencies are precisely displayed by an integral frequency counter. Many details reflect the latest advances in circuit technology: a wear-free spinwheel for adjusting the output frequency and sweep time, an internally or externally usable frequency counter that employs a reciprocal counting method, and sophisticated new switching techniques allow signal qualities that were previously unattainable. Features Frequency range 1 mHz to 44 MHz Sweep, trigger, gate Variable symmetry Digital display of frequency, sweep, AC, DC Amplitude modulation
Produktgruppe Funktionsgeneratoren
  • A01574BD-3E6F-4C2B-9079-FDC8E3A4BDC5
Toellner 7704
1 mHz - 12 MHz
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Preis 759,00 € netto

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