Keysight (Agilent/HP) 1672D

Benchtop Logic Analyzer with Deep Memory, 68 channels, 125 MHz timing analysis rate, 100 MHz... mehr
Produktinformationen "Keysight (Agilent/HP) 1672D"
Benchtop Logic Analyzer with Deep Memory, 68 channels, 125 MHz timing analysis rate, 100 MHz state analysis rate, 64K memory depth per channel, built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive and hard disk drive, standard HP-IB and Ethernet LAN.
Produktgruppe Logikanalysatoren
  • 0FC72442-7F52-488F-993B-6AEFF580B752
68 Kanäle, 100 MHz State, 125 MHz Timing
Verfügbar in folgenden Varianten:
no Option
Preis 1.198,00 € netto
Preis 1.398,00 € netto

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