Keysight (Agilent/HP) 6214B

The Agilent HP 6214B used power supply is rated at 10 V, 1 A. The 6214B is a CV/CC bench... mehr
Produktinformationen "Keysight (Agilent/HP) 6214B"
The Agilent HP 6214B used power supply is rated at 10 V, 1 A. The 6214B is a CV/CC bench supply designed for general laboratory use and equipped with front-panel mounted voltage and current controls, a combination volt/ammeter, and output binding posts. Output voltage and current are continuously variable, via coarse and fine controls from 0 to 15% above the maximum rated output. A switch selects either output voltage or current for display on the panel meter.
Produktgruppe Netzteile
  • A37FD6CB-6CBE-4F8A-B7E0-17AC0437FB23
10 V, 1 A
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