Grundig ME900color

Combined Test Receiver for FM, TV and SAT with analyzer and integrated printer, frequency range... mehr
Produktinformationen "Grundig ME900color"
Combined Test Receiver for FM, TV and SAT with analyzer and integrated printer, frequency range FM from 87,5 to 108 MHz, TV from 44,75 to 859,25 MHz continuous, directly selectable are all channels of the B/G standard channel pattern within their frequency limits, SAT IF from 950 to 2050 MHz (channel 0-137), IF input 38,9 MHz, sound IF frequency freely selectable from 5,00 to 9,99 MHz in 10 kHz steps, TV standards B/G, D/K (OIRT), M/N (FCC), L (France), I (UK), measuring range 20-130 dBµV (FM/TV signals), 40-120 dBµV (SAT signals) and 50-130 dBµV (IF signals 38,9 MHz), 5,8" color activ matrix LCD with 756x556 pixels resolution, operation AC or battery powered, operating time of batteries approx. 2,5 hours in normal mode, internal 16 digit wire matrix printer, RS232 interface.
Produktgruppe Videomesstechnik
  • 65A255A9-4F1E-4542-B0E5-D16DE4A4D109
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