Keysight (Agilent/HP) 1681AD

The Agilent 1681AD logic analyzer offers a variety of channel counts, memory depths, and form... mehr
Produktinformationen "Keysight (Agilent/HP) 1681AD"
The Agilent 1681AD logic analyzer offers a variety of channel counts, memory depths, and form factors, giving you the flexibility to choose a model that matches your work style, application, and budget. Features * 800 MHz timing with 4M deep memory * 200 MHz state acquisition * Use pull-down menus within data displays to define trigger events as edges, patterns and glitches or draw a box around a suspect event in the display to see if it reoccurs * Advanced trigger lets you use drag-and-drop graphical icons as building blocks to customize complex trigger scenarios to find the most elusive problems * Time correlated measurements between an external oscilloscope and the logic analyzer help you determine how the analog quality of a signal impacts the digital operation of your device * Offline analysis allows you to analyze previously captured data on a Windows PC *12.1-inch built-in color flat panel display
Produktgruppe Logikanalysatoren
  • 83CDCA82-D641-45C8-8A2B-84DD8E72E262
200 MHz State, 800 MHz Timing, 102 Kanäle
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