Fluke 8010A

The Fluke Model 8010A Digital Multimeter is a portable 3.5 digit DMM that offers performance... mehr
Produktinformationen "Fluke 8010A"
The Fluke Model 8010A Digital Multimeter is a portable 3.5 digit DMM that offers performance and features at a low cost. Measurement functions include: DC volts, true-rms AC volts from 45 Hz to 50 kHz, DC amps, true-rms AC amps, ohms, conductance, and diode test. The 8010A also features and additional 10 amp AC and DC current range for applications that require measuring more than 2 amps. Rechargeable batteries are available in the model 8010A-01, otherwise the 8010A operates on AC line power only.
Produktgruppe Digitalmultimeter
  • 5D7A622F-B7BF-405B-A363-9104E05569AD
Fluke 8010A
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Preis 69,00 € netto

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