Keysight (Agilent/HP) N4850A
DigRF v3 Challenges
The DigRF v3 standard presentsnew challenges for mobilewireless... mehr
Produktinformationen "Keysight (Agilent/HP) N4850A"
DigRF v3 Challenges
The DigRF v3 standard presentsnew challenges for mobilewireless development,
integrationand validation teams as thecommunications link between the BB-ICs
and the RF-ICs evolvefrom analog to digital. Digital IQdata and control information
aretransferred between the BB-ICand the RF-IC over the DigRF v3interface.
Engineers traditionallyuse spectrum analyzers toevaluate the analog interfacebetween
the BB-IC and the RF-IC,but now they need new toolsbecause spectrum analyzers are
incapable of measuring theDigRF v3 digital serial interface.
RF-IC development teams mustverify operation of the RF-ICbefore the start of
the handsetintegration phase. Spectrumanalyzers and signal sources are no longer
sufficient forcharacterizing the new generationof RF-ICs that comply to theDigRF v3 standard.
To validateRF-IC operation, engineeringteams need DigRF v3 digitalserial stimulus and
analysis toolsthat operate in concert with thetraditional RF tools.
The challenges for BB-IC validationteams mirrors that of the RF-ICteams, as the signal sources
andspectrum analyzers must bereplaced by DigRF v3 digitalserial stimulus and analysis toolsto validate BB-IC functionality.
Produktgruppe | Logikanalysatoren |
- Artikelnummer CD8240BB-948A-4CDD-AF75-C27CFCB1EBA8
Keysight (Agilent/HP) N4850A
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