Anritsu ME462B

DS-3 Test Set
Consists of a transmitter and receiver set
Provides fading measurements and... mehr
Produktinformationen "Anritsu ME462B"
DS-3 Test Set
Consists of a transmitter and receiver set
Provides fading measurements and error addition
Complies with Bell System DS-3 requirements
Measurements include:
simultaneous measurement of error seconds, threshold error seconds, error free seconds,
threshold error free seconds, total errors, and error rate
Simultaneous error detection of bit errors, parity errors and bipolar variations
Built-in printer, wide jitter modulation, multiple receiving input levels,
and versatile output signals included
Produktgruppe | Übertragungsmesstechnik |
- Artikelnummer DC232482-2650-4DE1-B6F0-E2BB012368CE
Verfügbar in folgenden Varianten:
04, 021
Preis auf Anfrage
no option
Preis 695,00 € netto
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