Keysight (Agilent/HP) 59313A

This 4 channel unit can accept a full scale input of +10 VDC on each channel, individually... mehr
Produktinformationen "Keysight (Agilent/HP) 59313A"
This 4 channel unit can accept a full scale input of +10 VDC on each channel, individually selectable in 4 ranges. It also has a program-controlled reverse channel for driving small signal lamps, relays or TTL circuits. An HP-IB controller can command this unit to perform a single conversion or initiate a series of internally paced conversions at one each of 6 selectable rates (up to 100/s on one channel; up to 50/s on each of 4 channels).
Produktgruppe Logikanalysatoren
  • EB3A9B8F-B1DD-4ACF-8114-D009E43EF240
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