Rohde & Schwarz ODF

The Rohde & Schwarz ODF is a TV Digital Oscilloscope. Features Frequency range: 0 to 10 MHz... mehr
Produktinformationen "Rohde & Schwarz ODF"
The Rohde & Schwarz ODF is a TV Digital Oscilloscope. Features Frequency range: 0 to 10 MHz (DC coupling) High measurement accuracy due to 10-bit A/D converter (resolution 1024 steps) Great operating convenience and high-speed evaluation (16-bit processor) Flicker-free and bright display of insertion test signals thanks to digital storage Random noise suppression by signal averaging Display of tolerance masks as well as of data and parameters in alphanumerics Two cursors for evaluation Evaluation of differences between measured and stored signals
Produktgruppe Videomesstechnik
  • DBBD453A-4F97-4561-9491-80C928A2AB7C
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