Keysight (Agilent/HP) 8923B

The Agilent 8923B DECT test set is an integrated, one-box test solution for Digital Enhanced... mehr
Produktinformationen "Keysight (Agilent/HP) 8923B"
The Agilent 8923B DECT test set is an integrated, one-box test solution for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications. The test set provides the functionality and the measurement speed required to meet the needs of high through put testing, essential in DECT production. In R&D applications it provides the measurement accuracy and traceability required to ensure a very high level of confidence during portable parts or fixed parts design. Features Test RF modules or fully assembled DECT PPs (Portable Parts) and FPs (Fixed Parts) Fast, accurate, repeatable measurements Easy to use Measurements: Bit Error Ratio, Word Error Ratio, Carrier Power, Power versus Time, Centre Frequency Accuracy, Frequency Deviation, Frequency Drift, Timing Jitter, Audio Measurements.
Produktgruppe Funkmessplätze
  • A3F7D86D-91BD-48F0-AEFE-3CC6E90A419D
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