Rohde & Schwarz ESVS10

The EMI Test Receivers ESVS10 and 30 are triple-conversion heterodyne re-ceivers covering
the... mehr
Produktinformationen "Rohde & Schwarz ESVS10"
The EMI Test Receivers ESVS10 and 30 are triple-conversion heterodyne re-ceivers covering
the frequency range from 20 MHz to 1000 MHz.
They can be manually operated, featuring high frequency resolution and accurate level indication,
equally so in average and quasi-peak detection.
Thanks to the built-in intelligence of EMI Test Receivers ESVS,
the time required for such measurements is reduced con-siderably.
Being specialists for EMI measurements to CISPR, CENELEC, ETSI, FCC, VCCI and VDE standards, these test receivers furnish
results at a speed and accuracy not possible previ-ously
Produktgruppe | EMV-Meßtechnik |
- Artikelnummer AB292067-29ED-4E33-8A43-169D3B5AF04D

Rohde & Schwarz ESVS10
20 - 1000 MHz
20 - 1000 MHz
Verfügbar in folgenden Varianten:
no option
Preis 4.998,00 € netto
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