National Instruments PXI-4461

2 or 4 simultaneously sampled analog inputs
2 simultaneously updated analog outputs (NI 4461... mehr
Produktinformationen "National Instruments PXI-4461"
2 or 4 simultaneously sampled analog inputs
2 simultaneously updated analog outputs (NI 4461 only)
118 dB dynamic range, 24-bit resolution
204.8 kS/s maximum sampling rate
92 kHz alias-free bandwidth
Input range from ±316 mV to 42.4 V
6 gain settings
AC/DC coupling
Antialiasing and anti-imaging protection
IEPE conditioning – software-configurable
Multimodule synchronization
The National Instruments 4461 and 4462 are high-accuracy data acquisition devices specifically designed for sound and vibration applications. The devices include the hardware
and software needed to make precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers that have very large dynamic ranges. Common applications for
the NI 446x include audio test, automotive test, noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis, and machine condition monitoring (MCM). The NI 446x devices offer a complete
range of functionality for sound and vibration monitoring and analysis applications. With either two inputs and two outputs, or four inputs, they are ideal for applications where
simultaneous generation and acquisition of noise, vibration, and acoustic signals are required. You can synchronize the acquisition clock of your NI 446x with other instruments in
your system for mixed-signal applications. Both analog and digital triggering are available on an NI 446x.
Produktgruppe | Keine Zuordnung |
- Artikelnummer A845B4EA-CA4C-4FAB-B097-C89ADC28F098

National Instruments PXI-4461
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